Thursday, December 21, 2006

Writers and Readers

#1: Interesting article and discussion about men writing romance at stardust1110's LJ. This is timely because one of the writers competing against Kim Howe's ONE SHOT, TWO KILLS in the AT III Contest is a man.

#2: R. A. Lovett has three stories (one fiction, one fact, one on writing) in the upcoming January/February issue of Analog.

ambasadora, setonhillwpf, MySpace, Heidi Ruby Miller, WPF Writers

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Thursday, December 07, 2006

Gears of War Review has a review of Gears of War. Personally, I would have given it higher than a B+, though the mission was a bit short.

ambasadora, MySpace, Heidi Ruby Miller, WPF Writers

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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Greensburg Magazine

Greensburg Magazine editor Moira Richardson sent out the following call for submissions a while back, but I only came across it recently, so the deadline is coming up soon.

Calling All Writers / Artists
Greensburg,PA-based magazine now seeking submissions with a local* flavor:

Non-fiction pieces up to 1,000 words on topics such as:
Bicycling, Dumpster Diving, Recycling, Local Politics, Current Events, Arts & Entertainment, Healthy Lifestyles, & so much more!

Interviews with Greensburg natives and local* celebrities.

Some flash fiction and poetry; ideally, Greensburg will figure prominently in the work.

Black & white photography, drawings, and comic strips**.

Send queries / completed articles / art submissions to:

The deadline for the first issue is DECEMBER 12th.

You will not be paid for your contribution, but you will receive 2 contributor copies, with the opportunity to buy more issues at cost. This magazine will be distributed for free throughout Greensburg, and, we hope, fill the gap left by other local publications.

We will reply to every submission within one month, usually with comments.

* NOTE FOR NON-LOCALS: While local pieces are given preference, we'd love to read any great article that touches on the issues listed or above or similiar subjects that you'd like to send in. Query first, if you are unsure, or send the full text article in the body of the email or as *.rtf file. We are a collective of open-minded, intelligent people and we'd love to hear what you have to say about the state of YOUR world!

** We don't have any comic strips at all, so if you send in one, you have a darn good chance of being accepted.

ambasadora, penncamping, MySpace, Heidi Ruby Miller, WPF Writers

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Nalo Hopkinson: Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold...

Nalo Hopkinson: Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold...

This is a great list to print out and consult during revisions.

New Reviews

Publisher's Weekly has a review of Year's Best Fantasy 6, which includes a nice nod to Anne Harris' short story 'Still Life with Boobs.'

Velcro City has a review of Electric Velocipede #11 which includes the story 'The Duel' by Toby Buckell.

ambasadora, setonhillwpf, MySpace, Heidi Ruby Miller, WPF Writers

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Sunday, December 03, 2006

Writers' News

#1: Dread Central has a great review of Masques V. This horror anthology was edited by Gary Braunbeck and the late J. N. Williamson, and features stories by Tom Monteleone, Tim Waggoner, and Lucy Snyder, among others.

#2: Deborah J. Kolodji's haiku Orion rising is up at The Heron's Nest.

#3: You can pre-order Crystal Rain by Tobias Buckell in paperback at Amazon.

ambasadora, setonhillwpf, MySpace, Heidi Ruby Miller, WPF Writers

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Saturday, December 02, 2006

Taos Toolbox Workshop

From Traci Castleberry:

Taos Toolbox SF/F novel workshop
Looking for a writing getaway next summer? Authors Walter Jon Williams and Hugo award-winning Connie Willis are co-teaching an SF/F workshop focusing on novels July 8-21 in Taos, NM, with special guest lecturer George R.R. Martin. Format is Milford style, a la Clarion and Odyssey, and geared toward advanced writers. Cost overall is $2400, which includes almost all meals and snazzy rooms at the Snow Bear Inn.

More info and applications available at the Taos Toolbox site.

X-posted to ambasadora, MySpace, Heidi Ruby Miller, WPF Writers

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Pennsyvania Mercury Rule Passes!

I received the following from the National Wildlife Federation list serve:

On the eve of Thanksgiving, Pennsylvania won a great victory for wildlife and public health. The state's Independent Regulatory Review Commission (IRRC) voted 3-2 in favor of the strong mercury rule developed by Gov. Ed Rendell and the Department of Environmental Protection.

The rule requires all coal-fired power plants in Pennsylvania to cut mercury emissions 90 percent by 2015.

Pennsylvanians played a key role in making this happen--more than 99 percent of the record-breaking 11,000 public comments submitted were in support of the DEP's plan.

Thanks so much for your help!
Catherine Bowes
Mercury Program Manager
National Wildlife Federation

This rule is extremey important to the area where I live, considering there are currently three of these plants, with two more in the works, between Morgantown, WV, and Masontown, PA, an area of 20 miles. Studies already show that these plants contribute heavily to Greene County, PA, having one of the highest rates of cancer in the country.

For more information, send an e-mail to

If you would like to show Governor Rendell that you support the Pennsylvania Mercury Rule, call 717-787-2500 and thank him. I am.

ambasadora, penncamping, the county, MySpace, Heidi Ruby Miller, WPF Writers

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