Saturday, May 03, 2008

April Newsletter for Heidi Ruby Miller

My April newsletter is finally finished, a few days late.

I've reformatted it and given it a new name Field Notes.

Here's an excerpt from the introductory letter for April's issue titled Pride of Place: Loving Where You Live:

Field Notes allows me to express the many facets of my life rather than limiting me to speculative fiction. The concept comes from my undergrad days studying anthropology and geography, as well as my love for traveling and adventure.

Each issue will revolve around a central theme, while still sharing news of my latest releases, appearances, and projects-in-progress. I'll also feature writerly friends and keep you up-to-date on my latest author interviews.

In this issue I look at Southwestern Pennsylvania as my home and playground. The natural beauty rivals only the historic and cultural richness of the area. From the mansions of Uniontown's millionaire coal baron days to Ohiopyle State Park's whitewater rapids and hiking trails, I continue to explore this region in all its forms, seeing it with the eyes of a former anthropologist, but the heart of a native. It is the best of both worlds.

If you'd like to receive a copy, please email me at heidirubymiller AT gmail DOT com.

I'll have more updates here a bit later.


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